Ticket prices may be higher or lower than face value.
Your Gainesville Ticket Resale Marketplace.

Looking for Answers To Only Gainesville Tickets Frequently Asked Questions?

If you have questions about Only Gainesville Tickets or our ticket procedures, you can find most of your answers in our FAQ page. If you have more problems not shown here, just phone our customer service hotline. Dial 352-290-2613 or fill out our support form.

After someone gets a seat from a venue’s box office -- known as the primary ticket seller -- they have the right to sell that ticket to another person. Sellers in the secondary ticket marketplace may involve box office promoters, licensed ticket brokers, and firms, and individual people like you. Only Gainesville Tickets gets its tickets from a leading ticket marketplace, and restricts search results for only Gainesville and surrounding areas so you will quickly see the perfect seats in your area.

The ”price based on demand” model runs the secondary ticket market, and you could find that ticket prices shift over time. It’s not uncommon to find seats priced at under primary prices. You can also find hot seats for shows that are sold out that could cost higher than the box office price. The key to the secondary market is to come back as much as possible to see what’s available in Gainesville.

Contingent on the transaction, you may get your tickets in a few different ways:

Email download: A ticket code will be e-mailed to you before the event, that you should print your physical ticket. These e-tickets might have to be obtained via My Ticket Tracker.

Shipped: The ticket seller will ship the paper stubs through Federal Express. Purchased tickets are guaranteed to arrive before start time, and you’ll have a FedEx tracking number once your package goes out.

Will Call Office: Tickets will be left at the event’s will call or main window.

Location Pick-up: Tickets will need to be procured at a 3rd party locale (no more than 30 minutes from the event).

Paperless: The seller will come and meet your party at the event and walk you to the door.

Flash: The ticket seller will ship you a gift card that you will need to scan at the venue box office. It will contain the initial sale info and generate a viable receipt.

You can pick an alternate shipping address -- including P.O. boxes -- for most ticket orders placed via Only Gainesville Tickets. However, on sales past $750, the seller can decline to ship to a different place other than the billing address. Furthermore, sellers may want a signed authorization from the buyer if they need verification that the delivery address is valid.

Instant tickets generally become available to download and print after you submit your order. Please account for processing time, which might take as much as one business day. You will see a confirmation email detailing how to view your instant tickets.

To ensure you enjoy a great experience in Gainesville, all tickets have a 100% Money Back Guarantee in case:


  • The seller never fulfills your purchase
  • The purchased tickets arrive after the event begins
  • The venue deems your tickets void. (The venue must submit verifiable evidence in the form of a written letter.)
  • The event was canceled and not rescheduled. (Shipping fees not included in the refund.)


Tickets on Only Gainesville Tickets are usually first-come, first-served. If another customer finishes their purchase before you, your purchase will close mid-process. Unfortunately, you will have to go back to that event and attempt to order a new seat.

Most sellers are listing several groups of seats and can fulfill orders easier if they leave off the seating numbers on their listings. Of course, you'll get rows and larger sections to choose from. Your tickets will be with each other, unless expressly noted.

Since Only Gainesville Tickets is a resale site, the ticket will show the original buyer’s name rather than yours. Nevertheless, you will still get be admitted into the event because it's the bar code that's required to enter.

To avoid ticketing fraud, the majority of tickets are irrevocable items. Therefore, if your tickets are ruined, stolen, or lost you can reach out to the seller about replacing lost tickets. However, sales cannot be refunded.

If an event has been permanently canceled, you are eligible for a full reimbursement (shipping not refundable). If the event is delayed and rescheduled for a new date, your tickets will be applied to the new date.